Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's official! And my non-functioning wrist...

I finally got my $500 deposit and acceptance forms sent off in the mail last week, so my acceptance into ISU is official! :)

Still hasn't sunk in, I keep thinking that I'm mistaken and living in a delusion where my psyche couldn't handle the rejection and convinced myself that that last email from Iowa said I was accepted. Even as I look up at the acceptance card they sent me in the mail I still second-guess myself! haha It just can't be real >.<

Haven't updated my blog in a month because a few weeks ago I had Spring Break (yay!) and the second evening of break I used pliers to tear apart upholstery tacks to use the cap-tops for belly dance costuming and royally flared up my carpal tunnel (not yay!). Worst flare-up to date, doctor's orders to keep off the computer and out of working at the doggy daycare- today was my first day allowed back! Next Friday I will have the pleasure (from what I've heard) of getting an EMG done. Woohoo!

I also got a pretty devastating case of the stomach bug (because there is no such thing as a stomach "flu"!) which has kept me home from classes most of the last week and cost me a chance to see Jim Gaffigan.

Needless to say I've had better months... But I'm starting to prep for graduation and the move to Iowa! Did some stocking up on minor kitchen items and other misc. at the thrift stores last weekend, got a day reserved for my Senior Art Show Open House & guest list made up for it, and started looking into housing in Iowa. The senioritis is getting worse every day...

I've also got a belly dance troupe performance to pull together for a Medieval Feast next Saturday, and to get some more artwork made up for my Senior show since my wrist kept me from doing anything over spring break like I had planned.

Always Busy!