Thursday, October 10, 2013

Censorship or not- here it is.

Greetings to any who still follow me or happen upon this blog!

So it's been about a year since my last entry and that entry stated I was hesitant to make future posts because "during orientation it was heavily drilled into me that posting any details online pertaining to school was basically... strictly forbidden. So I will be carefully censoring any information I share on here in the future- my further apologies. But fear not! I will still share plenty!" And obviously my declaration to post regardless fell through.

I recently received a comment on that blog post stating: "Since you have apparently abandoned your blog, I can only assume they succeeded in scaring you off" Firstly, I would like to address this by saying VM1 year got ridiculously demanding and I- a) didn't have time to keep blogging & b) forgot about my blog altogether haha So my reply is- No- no they did not scare me off, the blog just died of natural causes with inconvenient timing.

What prompted me to attempt to start this blog up again with this post is the irony of the situation in which I read that comment- it was during my Ethics course where we once again received the "No online sharing of informationg" lecture. The exact same lecture, by the exact same lecturer that I referenced from during my Orientation. AGAIN! During a class in which it was highly irrelevant (so I became highly irritated). The reason given for not sharing informationg regarding the school, the curriculum, etc was:

"To protect the university and programs because the general public does not understand the context"
Now, this is in all fairness a valid concern, even my own mother (a nurse, who obviously knows what medical training entails and knows what her daughter is going to school for) is often disturbed to hear any mention of what it is I actually do at school. Although, she is highly sensitive about sick/injured/dead animals (she cries over roadkill, for example). The point I'm getting at is- some people are easily offended, appalled and/or emotionally distraught over some of the practices that take place during a veterinary education (whether that reaction is warranted or rational- or not). It's understandable. And there are crazy animal rights extremists out there with no appreciation for the educational aspect that want to see many of these practices ended at the cost of our education.However, all of the lectures about censoring what we share publicly is getting to be overkill and frankly, a little insulting. Do some veterinary students say or do or post completely idiotic things they shouldn't have? Absolutely. But does that mean that's what the majority of us do? No. They are addressing the exceptions and I feel like those people will make those choices regardless of hearing these censorship lectures or not. People need to just use some common sense and we wouldn't have these problems.
*As a disclosure- these are simply my opinions & do not reflect that of the university I am affiliated with ;) Also, I am not implying any practices that take place during my education are cruel, inhumane, or an objectionable practice in any way/shape/form.*
Now that that is addressed, I would like to say I will make every effort to keep this blog relatively active in the future- but life has no guarantees and VM2 year is pretty brutal with the work load.
Keep on truckin...

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